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Miller Bay Estates Updates
Pool will be de-winterized and the new heater will be installed on 4-4.
Pool heater electrical work was completed in February by Bird Electric but once the heater is installed they will come back to wire the heater.
Roof replacement was completed and now it matches. We did have some significant damage with leakage and the electrical lines/lights that were not in use were removed from the roof.
HOA dues continue to come in and I placed information on the website about when due, fees, and delinquent information.
Signage will be ordered to replace old pool signs including updating the huge pool rules sign.
The Flowerbed in front of the clubhouse has been updated with rocks to prevent dirt from sliding onto the concrete.
A sinkhole has been filled at the Clubhouse.
The Beachwood Hill is looking great.
Will contact some sort of painting company to repaint the Basketball lines.
Kitsap County will come through in the Spring to assess the trees hanging over the roadway and will remove them as needed.
MBE entry signage will need to be freshened up with new paint this year.
Still working on the Beachwood Property with wood chips in the front. I have sent out 3 notices and will be contacting the Health Dept and Kitsap County again.
Our legal issues with an encroachment to our Greenbelt were settled out of court, and the party did resolve the issue.